New Immigrant Hike at York Redoubt

It was a beautiful fall day that felt more like summer when we gathered 6 families (30 people) from Syria and the Congo to do a fall nature walk at York Redoubt.  In partnership with ISANS and with support from Nature Canada’s Naturehood Program and MEC we were able to invite local naturalists Jamie Simpson and Sally-Jo Gallant to lead a two hour walk through the trails of York Redoubt.  On the heels of Jamie’s new book release “Eating Wild in Eastern Canada”, we focused on all the interesting things we could forage on the walk. We were treated to wild Grapes and Apples, Rosehips, Dandelion and Plantain and some left over berries including Wild Raisin and Blackberries. A visit to the shore turned up Mussels, Snails and some Bayberrry that people took home for cooking with! Kids did a nature scavenger hunt along the way and Families were sent home with lots of educational materials.