Grow a Nature Nut Endowment Fund

The Young Naturalists Club has created an endowment fund to ensure its work in helping youth and families connect with nature and learn about the natural history of Nova Scotia continues to be well supported into the future.

The value of sustaining the YNC into the future has never been more apparent. Youth today recognize more brand logos than common species in their neighbourhoods, and they spend an average of less than 1 hour a day outside, as opposed to approximately 7 hours a day in front of a screen. The YNC works to change these statistics by providing experiences that get youth outside, exploring and learning about the natural world. These experiences help nurture a passion for nature and motivate young people to become active, responsible stewards of the environment.

After 10 years of successful programming, it is the right time to invest in a secure source of revenue that will address the future sustainability of the Club. The Grow a nature Nut Endowment Fund will provide a reliable source of support to ensure the Club can continue its vital work. Donations to the Fund will go in and stay in, invested permanently. Only the income generated will be used to fund programs.

You can help us “grow a nature nut” by giving a one-time gift, monthly gift, making a donation in memory or honour of someone you know, making a multi-year pledge, or leaving us a bequest through estate planning. When you give to the Grow a Nature Nut Endowment Fund, you are planting a seed that can lead to a future filled with nature-inspired, wonder-filled, knowledgeable citizens, caring for our world, together.

• Make a donation via our giving page at CanadaHelps

• Make a donation by mail (make cheques out to Young Naturalists Club and ensure to note “endowment fund” in the memo)
Young Naturalists Club
1747 Summer Street
Halifax NS
B3H 3A6

• Or reach out to our Coordinator at or 902-412-2726

Thank you so much for supporting our work!