October 2015 Berwick Report – Planting a Forest Event

On October 7th 2015 the Berwick YNC took a forest walk at the Woodville Trails to collect native tree seeds. Fifteen kids and nine parents attended the event , oh and one dog. We all glowed in the warm sun with out hunter orange vests. We found yellow birch, red spruce, ironwood,  beech and sugar maple seeds; the start of a fine Acadian forest. Nick Hill (local botanist) climb  the birch and ironwood trees to shake the seeds down on to the kids and we all went home picking little seeds out of our hair. After collected the seeds along the trail we potted them up at the trail head and watered them. Most of the seeds don’t need any care, just to be left alone under the snow until spring but the ironwoods need their warm treatment before they are taken outside for their cold winter treatment. Nick told the kids to keep their ironwood pots damp and in a bag in the house for 2 months and then set them outside for the remainder of the winter. Check out the photo link for a visual account of this event. Happy Trails!