Tour of Pictou County Solid Waste Management Facility

Susan MacDonald, educator for Pictou County Solid Waste Management, shared her passion and knowledge with our group of 7 children and 4 adults, as we toured their facility on October 26th. We began our tour on foot, near the scale. Susan showed us how the waste is brought in, weighed and sorted into separate spaces for tires, electronics, construction waste, glass/plastic and paper recyclables.Pictou County Waste Facility

We drove to the other end of the property to see the area that processes our organic waste into mountains of usable compost. We were excited to learn that they now have the ability to filter out the plastic layer in paper coffee and soda cups. Hopefully, more will start going into our green bins, instead of along the sides of the roads.

We ended our morning inside with a presentation and discussion about all the things we are doing and can continue to do, as a community and as individuals, to help take care of our environment. We discovered that our grandparents and great grandparents would be good role models for today, using and reusing what they had, like scraps of fabric from old clothes to make a beautiful new quilt.

We should be very proud of the dedication and innovation that goes into facilities, such as these. They are leaders in their field and are visited by people from around the world who take these ideas and inspiration home with them.