January 25th 2014 Animal Signs in Winter – Snowshoeing with Soren Bondrup-Neilson

We teamed up with the Annapolis Valley Chapter for this event. The weather was cold and a bit windy and there was a deep layer of fluffy snow that made looking for tracks difficult. The snowshoeing was a great workout and the trails at the old Wolfville reservoir on the south mountain were beautiful. We saw some woodland jumping mouse tracks, snowshoe hare tracks and many dog tracks since the trail is frequented by the locals. Indeed, we crossed paths with many other people on the trail including the local naturalist Bernard Forsythe who taught us about birds back in November! Soren also led us to the reservoir and we saw many signs of beaver including chewed sticks along the bank. Brrrrrr! The wind was cold up there on the edge of the reservoir. Many thanks to Soren for the fun snowshoe! Here is a photo from our trip:

Snowshoeing with Soren