Nature Guardians 2020 Planning Session – AND Rock-themed Scavenger Hunt at the Museum of Natural History

Last weekend, the Nature Guardians embarked on a geological tour around the world trying to identify some mystery stones brought to us by one of our supporters who frequently sails. We followed a number of clues to other rock specimens in the museum’s collections, to a seal ribcage, and to mountains littered with squawking seabirds! Eventually, we found out that the rocks came from the beach of Pond Inlet on northern-most side of Baffin Island. Like some of our local specimens, all the rocks were high in iron and had pretty pink and red colours, and some contained tiny crystals which we learned is caused by fast cooling underground.

After our hunt, the Nature Guardians buckled down to do some brainstorming around what kinds of activities we want to get up to this year. We put our ideas on post-it notes on a big bristol board and talked about some seasons and destinations that might suit each activity. Water quality monitoring, hiking, animal watching, and art were all popular.

Becky took our board home and is turning our ideas into a schedule for the spring months. Stay tuned!